(VTC News) – Many people will be scared to death when they see these horrifying tumors. They are unfortunate people who suffer from strange diseases. (Thuy Minh)
A 28-year-old man (Thai Nguyen, Vietnam) suffered from a monstrous tumor on his face.
Ms. Nguyen Thi Can, 60 years old (Binh Dinh, Vietnam) suffered from a tumor that deformed her face. Her gums and molars were pushed down, making it impossible for her to chew anything.
Mr. Wu Qiang – 33 years old, Chinese has lived with tumors on his face for many years. Their size grew increasingly giant and covered his entire face, making it impossible for him to see and difficult to breathe.
Ms. Li Hongfang, 40 years old, lives in Shaanxi province, China. Her face suddenly grew large tumors and was severely deformed. They keep getting bigger and bigger and more and more scary.
22-year-old girl Ngo Tieu Yen from Zhejiang province (China). Since she was 9 years old, Tieu Yen was discovered to have incurable complications. The size of the tumor on her face was compressing nerves, leading to visual impairment.
A 14-month-old Chinese boy named Khang Khang has a facial deformity. Looking from the outside, it looks like the baby’s face has a crack extending from the mouth to the ears.
China’s Elephant Man, Huang Chuncai, has severe facial disfigurement due to Neurofibromatosis syndrome. The tumor on his face weighed up to 20kg.
Huang Liqian noticed unusual symptoms on his body in 1990, but subjectively ignored them. As a result, the tumor has the opportunity to grow up to 15kg. Fortunately, this tumor was successfully surgically removed in 2007.
Chen Zongtao, 29 years old, lived in a remote Chinese village and could not afford medical fees, so he let the tumor grow to a huge size and weight of 70kg.