One day, after doing some jogging, both legs and arms froze and doctors had to cut them off.
That was the beginning of a limbless life.
After losing both limbs, the wife left him in the hospital and went and never came back.
Yet they had produced seven children together, but thank God he saw a beautiful lady later who came and took care of him.
Meet our friend without names.
It’s called Teodomiu.
He lives in the eastern side.
He is married and has seven old children.
Here he lives with his wife and grandchildren.
He says he was not born this way because he was born with both arms and legs functioning properly.
He tells us more of his life and how he lost both legs and arms.
I was a normal person with both limbs.
I was a security officer and in November 2008 me and my comrades were having some jogging.
I covered the distance of five kilometers running, then came back home.
Reaching home, i had to have shower.
After water reached my body, both arms and legs froze.
They became stiff as trees completely.
I then hurried to the nearby hospital, hence being transferred to another hospital.
Reaching there, doctors took some baby steps in treating me and deep inside me.
I was feeling a lot of pain.
My urine had turned to blood and i was feeling something burning inside me.
The pain could go on increasing.
Seeing those doctors acting so lazy, i decided to escape that hospital and find myself another hospital with serious doctors.
I went to another hospital and they had good customer care compared to where i was.
They treated me and i spent there two weeks.
Legs and arms started becoming stiffer and they looked as if there were metals.
As people kept on vesting me, they could say that i look as if i was poisoned.
This brought perplexity between me and the caretaker who decided to go for traditional doctors.
We went and spent a month and a week, but their conclusion was that i was sick, not poisoned.
As i kept wasting time between those and not coming back to the hospital, the condition kept on becoming worse.
The caretaker was my wife.
She delayed my treatment and kept on insisting that i was poisoned.
She’s the one who took me from hospitals to meet those traditional doctors.
For me.
I wanted the hospital, but she was the one to decide.
After seeing that it was not working, she decided to bring me back home and i started rotting.
Legs started bursting.
The wife was so stubborn that she could not listen to anyone’s advice.
Then i called people whom we worked together and they helped me going back to the hospital.
That day i was taken to an operation theater and legs were removed.
The next day arms were also rotting and they had to be removed as i was still in the hospital getting treatment.
My wife was the caretaker at the hospital story by slurry, packed her things and left after seeing how i had lost both arms and legs.
She left without even telling anyone.
She left when we had seven children.
My mind would not process why someone would just leave his husband.
Yet they produced seven children together.
Other patients and their caretakers knew that my wife had left.
They gathered early in the morning and prayed, asking God to help me.
They wondered what would happen next.
I was still sick and at the same time my limbs had been cut and i was wondering, asking myself, how my wife would go.
Yet this is when i needed her the most.
My mind would not process why someone would leave the husband suffering like this and go away.
In the meantime, i saw a good samaritan coming to me and could help me washing my body.
He tried everything he could helping me while i was the hospital.
Yet he did not know me.
He did this because of a good heart and i realized humanity still exist.
It was becoming so tough with no food.
Some people would bring me food and sometimes not, and finally i was told it’s time to go home
But i had no money and paying was another puzzle i had to complete.
I was asking myself how and who would pay this bill.
Then a lady came to the hospital- i knew all what happened to Me- then decided to cover the hospital bill.
To cut the story short, that’s how i lost both legs and arms after coming back here.
I spent four years living alone and all my children had grown up and got married.
I had no one to live and help me here.
This lady here was born in this village and we’ve known each other since long time ago.
After saying i would not survive this life alone, i approached her.
We now live together as a wife and a husband, who have now spent three years together.
This man says that after he lost all his limbs, life became tougher, but says, as long as the head functions very well, he had to think of any possible way which can help him survive, and he is now selling sugar canes in this area so as to provide for his family.
He believes he can do any business.
He doesn’t earn a lot from these sugar canes but says he cannot just stay at home.
He cannot even go to the streets to beg.
Yet the head functions.
He came here and proposed me i could not picture myself living with someone without limbs before, but he came to me and kept on pushing.
So later i said yes
And we ended up living together.
As you see, he’s disabled.
I’m the one who has to work hard and harder to provide.
That’s why i came here.
I came here to be by his side and help him in whatever he cannot manage.
As i said earlier, i have ahead functioning very well.
I have so many projects that i can do one given capital.
I need capital to invest in business, but a wheelchair is needed the most so as to ease my movement.
You can help this month to get a wheelchair by clicking on the Gofundme link phone in the description and pinned in top comments.
Having hope gives you the courage to think that things would get better with time.
Despite the odds being not in your favor, hope is the only thing that keeps you moving forward.
It gives you strength and ability to bounce back from whatever obstacle you are going through.
Thank you for watching.
I’m Elijah, and this is Afrimax English.
Remember to subscribe you.