VidyasagarUpdated: Saturday, November 12, 2022, 22:11 [IST] Kigali: Experience the most in a lifetime. There will be only insults and mockery in life. Finally run away to the forest and live there. This is a real life story of a young man. Everyone called this boy the real life Mowgli.
Today Sanciman Ellie has grown up to be a young man. He overcomes all the difficulties and achieves every achievement in life. Sanziman is an inspiration to the whole world today. For details…
Candidates|Election dates Sanziman lived in Rwanda. But he fled to the forest due to fear and taunts from the locals. The accommodation was also there. Now Sansiman has overcome all the difficulties and learned to ride a bike. A documentary about this young man was released earlier. It was viral. Since then everyone is interested to know about Sanziman.
But his own people abandoned him. At the time of birth, they were not wanted. The reason was his appearance. Because of that they kept away. But the natives never tried to find out what the problem was with Sanziman. He was born with a much smaller head than normal. His head was small due to microcephaly. But Sanziman’s mother says the locals made fun of him a lot.
Many began to chase him. Everyone chased him based on his face and looks. He spread rumors that his son was living off grass. The mother said that all this had affected her son. 10 crore won by lottery for couple; The ticket flew in the wind, and this is how luck returned His son was denied an education. Lack of education was due to difficulties in hearing and speaking. After learning about such a young man, Afrimax TV is starting a crowdfunding. This money was to help Sanziman and his family.
The locals even abused him by calling him a monkey. However, with the help of crowdfunding, Sanziman was able to go to school. Sanziman studied with children at a school for the differently-abled at the Ubuwe Community Center in Rwanda. Today that Sansiman learned to ride a bicycle. Later he also learned to ride a bike. A video of him riding a black and red bike has surfaced. The young man showed great interest in the bike.
The young man’s teacher said that Sansiman is very interested in playing and talking with others, and all that is happening now. HAIR: For long grown hair that never breaks, try these tips and it will take your hair to another level Sanziman has good hygiene now. He knows how to bathe himself. Know how to wash clothes.
Know how to brush your teeth. He will do all this without anyone’s help. I thought it was impossible when I started. It took some time. But a lot of progress has been made. The teacher said that she is happy about it. Eyal was diagnosed with microcephaly after talking to health professionals. The doctor’s spokesperson said that Sansiman ran away to the forest after being abused by the villagers. Meanwhile Sanziman had been reunited with his parents years ago.