Comm, Trinny Amuhirwe, 9, is no different from other girls her age, except for an aggressive bone tumor that is threatening to take over her entire face.
Sarah, The tumor started when she was one and a half years old.
It was just a small thing, but it was starting to grow big.
Comm, The 2kg tumor was so large that Trinny was blind in one eye and could barely eat or drink.
If left untreated, it will have serious consequences for Trinny’s future.
Sarah, it feels like she’s dying.
Trinny was discovered while living in Kampala, Uganda, by UK charity Facing The World, Graham.
Graham Banton Face the World
An American nurse working in Kampala contacted us in August and in mid-August came across Trinny.
She basically sent us a few pictures and said she met this girl.
Is there anything we think we can do for her?
Trinny has a condition called Fibrous Dysplasia.
That’s when normal bone tissue is essentially replaced by fibrous bone tissue that continues to grow, thus destroying the fine bone.
Its severity can vary, and Trinny’s case is a very severe one. Graham, I was quite shocked to learn of Trinny’s condition.
That’s not something you see every day, Graham.
Where it grows on the skull will affect her ability to breathe and eat.
That’s why we had to take her to surgery.
Comm Trinny was brought to the UK by the charity in the hope that surgeons could remove the tumour.
Niall Kirkpatrick Consultant craniofacial cosmetic surgeon
Niall, You can quickly and clearly see the extent of this benign tumor, which is growing forward on the face and deforming the cheekbones, upper jaw and even between the eyes.

These are rare tumors.
They are not cancerous tumors that will kill you in any way, but they are benign tumors that have devastating consequences and widespread cases like this are extremely rare.

So I didn’t expect her to have the strength when she came here, because you realize that Trinny is just like any other little girl and in addition to her illness, she also faces difficulties. same thing as other girls. to Comm.
When the day of her surgery arrived, several of the UK’s top surgeons working with the charity were waiting to operate on Trinny.
Lucy Wright faces the world
Truly, She is the most amazing child and everything she meets excites her.
She was excited about everything – seeing the ocean for the first time, being on the dock and playing games.
She just takes it all in.
She’s great
And that makes me happy.
Sarah, When I look at her now, I feel so happy, Comm.
And now Trinny is ready to fly home with her mother Sarah.
Trinny, After the surgery, I felt better.
I can eat well.
When I got home, I was excited to go to school.
Sarah, I am so grateful to the doctors for the wonderful job they do.
I think now Trinny will have a future that she didn’t have before.
We see a lot of patients each year at Facing The World, but Trinny is truly one of them.
I really hope that the surgery will give her the opportunity to continue her education and basically have options to do whatever she wants to do.