Mom Liliya Miroshnik said of her daughters Abigail and Micaela, “It felt almost impossible to separate them, but God and the doctors and nurses at UC Davis made it possible.” In what medical professionals are referring to as a “landmark surgery,” two baby girls who were conjoined at the head were successfully separated.
The 24-hour trial on the sisters, Abigail and Micaela Bachinskiy, was successfully completed over the weekend, specifically on Saturday and Sunday, according to a press release from the UC Davis Children’s Hospital in Sacramento.
The 9-month-old sisters who were born with craniopagus twins, an extremely uncommon disease in which the head is attached, are currently recovering, the hospital reported. Their parents, Liliya Moschnik and Anatoliy Bachnskiy, are reportedly counting their blessings. At UC Davis Children’s Hospital, this is a landmark occurrence. According to a statement made by the leading pediatric nevrosurgeon, Dr. Michael Edwards. Abigail and Micaela are recovering in our pediatric intensive care unit thanks to an amazing team effort devoted to ensuring that these extremely rare twins have the best chance at a healthy life ahead. Mama miroshnik was added, 33: Everything worked out well. It seemed nearly impossible to keep them apart, but God and the doctors and nurses at UC Davis made it possible. We are very grateful.
Abigail and Micaela Bachinskiy are members of the team at the UC Davis Medical Center. Micaela and Abigail Bachinski with their mother Liza Miroshnik. The hospital claims that when Miroshnik was 11 weeks pregnant, she discovered that her daughters were conjoined at the head. The news at the time caused Miroshnik, who was already a mother of three boys, trouble, but she found solace in her husband, who reassured her that all will work out, according to NBC affiliate KCRA.
‘It was really difficult. Just astonished, that’s all. Miroshnik recalled the gauntlet, “I couldn’t proceed. My husband told me everything will be okay when I got home. It will be completed by us. Our children are this. We adore them already.
The Nоrth Highlands mom wаs rеfеrrеd by her dоctоr tо the UC Dаvis Fеtal Cаre аnd Trеatmеnt Cеntеr, where she bеgan tо rеcеivе еxtеnsivе рrenatal care, lеarn more аbout her dаughters’ condition аnd рreрare fоr their аrrivаl, аccording tо the hospital.
UC Dаvis sаid their medical tеams аlso рreрared fоr the twins’ dеlivеry by рracticing nеarly еvеry simulation аnd scenario in аnticipаtion оf tҺe “numerous рossible risks” that the ɡirls could fаce.
On Dеc. 30, Abigaιl аnd Micaela made their еntrancе into the wоrld. Fоllоwing their birth, the twins wеrе аdmitted tо the hospital’s Nеonatal Intеnsivе Cаre Unit (NICU) аnd sрent sеvеn wееks there bеforе ɡoinɡ home, the рress rеlеasе stаted.
Doctors at UC Davis didn’t feel the need to bring Abigail and Micaela back and separate their heads until they were 9 months old.
The chances of shared blood vessels and organs growing larger or becoming more entwined increase as people age. Dr. Graham Wong, the lead plastic surgeon, explained the urgency of the press release by citing the impending flu, CoVD-19, and RSV season as additional concerns. Dr. Edwards told KCRA, “It’s a very, very uncommon anomaly.” Only a very small portion of the children born with this anomaly worldwide in a given year are fortunate enough to have an anatomy, making it possible to attempt a separation and, ideally, deliver two healthy babies.
According to the hospital, medical teams spent months preparing for the procedure this time by printing 3D models of the twins’ fused skulls to practice using mixed reality goggles to look inside the girls’ skulls ahead of time and determine which blood vessels needed to be undangled and separated. When late October finally arrived, the medical team, which included more than 30 surgeons, nurses, anesthesiologists, and other key medical personnel, was prepared to go.
The twins’ surgery went off without a hitch under the direction of Edwards Wong, Director of Pediatric Anesthesia Rajvinder Dhamrait, and Children’s Surgery Center Nursing Director Aida Benitez, according to the hospital. This was made possible by the large group who used different colors to denote roles.
According to UC Davis, the extensive procedure involved separating the twins’ connected veins and bone tissue, removing their tissue expanders and reconstructing their heads and scalps, rotating them about on the surreal table five times, and giving blood transfusions.
According to the hospital, Abigail and Micaela were formally split up at 3:28 a.m. on Sunday.
In the press release, Benitez stated, “After 10 months of preparation, we were witnessing what we had all imagined for the girls, and we were overcome with emotion and joy.” “I will never again look at the time 3:28 on a clock and not remember the second Abi and Mica became two separate babies.”
Added Messages: “We are proud to have assisted in their conception, cared for them ever since, and are now giving them the opportunity.”
Miroshnik is lauding UC Davis Children’s Hospital and clinging to her belief that her daughters will soon lead a happy, healthy life as the girls continue to recover.
In the press release, she stated, “We have felt so much support from staff.” “We have had so much support and advice. We now feel at home here because of that